FOW to host frozen free for all


August, with its searing summer heat, may be the perfect time for Friends of the Wissahickon’s 18th Annual Ice Cream Social.

The nonprofit that advocates for everything Wissahickon will host the event from 3 to 5 p.m., Aug. 21, at Historic Rittenhouse Town in Germantown, offering free ice cream – along with some nondairy options – from Bredenbeck’s Bakery in Chestnut Hill.

While families indulge in the cool and creamy, they can also participate in nature-themed activities hosted by the Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) and their partners Let’s Go Outdoors and the Wissahickon Environmental Center.

If you’re up for a scenic stroll, you can join a guided walk to the event starting at 2:30 p.m. from Weavers Way Co-op’s new Germantown location at 328 W. Chelten Ave.. The walk will highlight progress on the Harvey Street improvement project and other points of interest. 

Historic Rittenhouse Town, also known as the Rittenhouse Historic District, is home to the first paper mill in North America. The National Historic Landmark now includes six of what was once a collection of 45 buildings and is also a popular entrance to the trails of the Wissahickon Park.

The Ice Cream Social will proceed rain or shine. Register online to receive updates about weather conditions and potential cancellations. For more information, contact Claire Brennan at